Mangalore: Central Crime Branch police on Wednesday seized 1.236 kg of hydro-weed marijuana in Mangalore and arrested two accused. One car and two mobile phones were also recovered from their possession. A raid was conducted in Deralakatte under the Konaje police station limits and Minu Rashmi from Surathkal and Ajmal T from Kasaragod district were arrested. According to police, Minu Rashmi is a final year MBBS student at Harimala Hospital and she was working for Kasargod-based Dr Nadir, who is the prime accused in the case.
Dr Nadir is believed to have fled the country and a hunt is on to nab him, police said. Police informed that Dr Nader instructed Minu to deliver the hydro weed marijuana to one of his friends in Deralakatte following which she along with Ajmal reached Mangaluru from Kanhangad by train. Addressing a presser, Mangalore city police commissioner Sasikumar N informed that the accused were trying to sell the hydro weed to students in Mangalore and Kasaragod.