Karwar (Karnataka) : The police have arrested a man for allegedly murdering his wife and hiding the dead body in an empty water drum in Karwar area of Karnataka. The arrested accused is identified as Tukaram Madiwala of Teragaon village of the Haliyal taluk. Tukaram lived with his wife Shanta Kumari (38) in Teragam village.
On the night of February 22, there was a fight between Shanta Kumari and Tukaram over the issue of relations with other women. In this fight, the husband killed his wife by strangling her. The following day, he loaded the dead body into an empty water barrel and transported it to the forest in a vehicle.
Tukaram hired a Tata Ace vehicle and took the help of driver Rizwan and one Sameer Pantoji of Alnawar to dump the body in the Ramnagar forest. Locals who saw the barrel being taken got suspicious and informed the police. Later, the police launched an operation and caught the accused who had thrown the dead body in the forest.