Bengaluru: The police booked a case against a 36-year-old married man for allegedly forcing his techie wife to sleep with his friends, take photos and videos of the 'private moments' and using the same to blackmail her. The accused was identified as one John against whom his wife, 34 years, filed the complaint at the Sampigehalli police station.
The woman, a resident of Thanisandra, told the police that her husband was threatening to make 'private videos' viral on social media whenever she insisted on divorce. Police said that the woman decided to divorce her husband after he brought pressure on her to sleep with his friends. He also pressurised her to make her sister sleep with him.
The complainant woman works in a reputed private company and married John in 2011. The couple has a son. Since marriage, John used to come home drunk, assault and torture her, the police said. In 2015, he allegedly forced her to sleep with his friends. When she did not agree, he assaulted and tortured her. Unable to bear the violence of my husband, she unwillingly had physical contact with two of her husband's friends many times.