Hubballi:Hubballi violence incident is similar to the one at D.J. Halli where a mob gathered in front of the police station in Bengaluru, torched police vehicles and the house of a sitting MLA. The D.J. Halli violence erupted after a youth shared an objectionable post hurting religious sentiments, said Home Minister Araga Jnanendra said on Sunday. The minister was referring to the 2020 riot in Bengaluru where a mob set afire the residence of Congress MLA from Pulakeshi Nagar assembly constituency R Akhanda Srinivas Murthy and his sister over a social media post by his relative that was considered offensive by Muslims.
Terming the Hubbali violence a "preplanned conspiracy," Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra asserted that no one who takes the law into their hand will not be spared. Violence broke out in Hubbali on Saturday at midnight after an objectionable photo went viral on social media. Hundreds of people belonging to a minority community came onto the streets and indulged in violence. Soon, the incident took a communal turn.