Bengaluru: In a shocking incident of honor killing that took place in Bengaluru's Parappana Agrahara, a man allegedly killed his daughter for eloping with her lover, official sources said. The deceased girl has been identified as Pallavi, a native of HD Kote, Mysore. The accused has been identified as the gir's father Ganesh, who committed the murder.
The accused has been arrested by Parappana Agrahara police. An official said that the incident took place around 10 am on Saturday at Doctors Layout in Naganathpur near Parappana Agrahara. It is learnt that Pallavi, daughter of Ganesh and Sharadamma of HD Kote, was studying PUC in a college near her home where she was introduced to a young man from the same college.
An official said that the two fell in love with each other. After coming to know about the matter, Ganesh warned his daughter about meeting the man. It is learnt that the girl eloped with her lover recently. Later, with the help of her relatives, she was traced and brought home and her studies were cut short. However, Pallavi contacted the young man again and shortly went missing from her aunt's house on Oct 14, an official said.