Bengaluru: After a five-day break to simmer down the communal tensions over Hijab ban row, schools reopened for students from Class 1 to 10 in Karnataka on Monday. On Tuesday, however, some students of Class 10 boycotted the SSLC preparatory exams because they weren't allowed to attend them with Hijab. SSLC preparatory exams are being conducted in several schools across Karnataka for Class 10 students.
Muslim girls, who wore Hijab to schools, were asked to remove them to be allowed to enter the school. But the students refused, boycotted the preparatory exams and went home. "I was asked to remove hijab before entering the school. I can't do it, so I chose not to appear in the exam," Hina Kausar, one of the several students in Shivamogga who skipped the exam told ETV Bharat.