Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court has imposed a fine of Rs 3 lakhs on the tahsildars of Pandavpur in Mandya district, who did not comply with the order, issued eight years ago to survey the land belonging to a 71-year-old woman. A division bench comprising Justice B Veerappa and Justice KS Hemalekha disposed of the contempt of court petition filed by the woman Parvathamma of Kurahalli village in Pandavapur taluk of Mandya district.
The court said that the amount of fine should be recovered from the officers, who served as tahsildars in Pandavpur taluk from July 24, 2014, to February 10, 2022, which should also reflect in their service record. Besides, the fine amount should be paid to the applicant within one month and a compliance report should be submitted to the court, which said warning of serious action against the DC in case of non-compliance.