Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court on Monday held a prima facie view that former Janata Dal (S) state unit president and Member of Legislative Council AH Vishwanath has incurred disqualification while two other nominees R. Shankar, and N Nagaraj (MTB) have not.
The bench led by Chief Justice Abhay Shreeniwas Oka and Justice S Vishwajith Shetty while hearing on a batch of the petition seeking to restrain the Chief Minister and Governor from affirming oath to them into the Council of Ministers said in their interim order that "Chief Minister while making a recommendation to Governor on nominating Ministers will have to take into consideration the issue of disqualification incurred by AH Vishwanath. Similarly, even if the recommendation is made by CM, the Governor is bound to consider the aspect of disqualification incurred by AH Vishwanath."
"It is not prima facie established that R. Shankar and N. Nagaraj aka MTB Nagaraj have been disqualified under Article 164 (1) (b) and 361(B). We hold that AH Vishwanath, ex-facie attracts disqualification under Article 164 (1) (b) and Article 361 (B)," the bench observed.
The bench further added that MLC AH Vishwanath has incurred disqualification under Article 164 (1) (b) and Article 361 (B) of the Constitution of India, till the expiry of the term of the Legislative Council-May 2021, while two other nominees R. Shankar, and N. Nagaraj (aka MTB Nagaraj) have not.
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