Mangaluru (Karnataka):Mangaluru city police have arrested four inter-state peddlers for attempting to sell ambergris (sperm whale vomit) worth Rs 2.2 crore at Jeppinamogaru under the limits of Kankanady town police station limits.
The arrested have been identified as MA Jabir (35) and LK Shabad (27) from Kodagu, VP Asir (36) and N Sharief (32) from Hosdurg in Kasaragod district of Kerala, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Hariram Shanker said on Tuesday. They were arrested from a vacant land at Jeppinamogaru while attempting to sell ambergris to customers. Police have also seized five mobile phones, a car and Rs 1,070 in cash from the accused. The total value of seized items including ambergris is estimated at Rs 2,25,92,070.