Bengaluru:The victim in the Ramesh Jarkiholi CD case has moved the Supreme Court, challenging the interim order of the High Court, which gave permission to submit the SIT investigation report to the concerned trial court.
She has questioned the validity of the SIT report when the Special Investigation Team was formed based on the request of Ramesh Jarkiholi.
In the petition, the victim has mentioned that the "Special Investigation Team was formed on the request of accused Ramesh Jarkiholi. First of all, forming the SIT based on the accused's demand is invalid. And second thing is, Soumendu Mukherjee, chief of SIT, did not sign the report. Third is, a petition filed against the invalidation of SIT formation is at High Court. Then how can High Court give permission to submit the SIT investigation report to the concerned trial court.. ?".
It is inappropriate for the trial court to conduct a trial based on such a report, she said, requesting the Supreme Court to withhold the High Court's interim order.