Mandya (Karnataka): Five persons, including two children, drowned in a canal in Karnataka on Tuesday. The tragic incident took place near Doddakottagere village in Mandya taluk of the state. The five people, including two children, from Bengaluru had come to their grandmother's house on a summer vacation. The victims were from Neelasandra in Bengaluru. They were visiting their grandmother's house at Hellegere.
They venture out of their home for swimming in a canal and drowned. Swimmers were pressed into service. Three bodies have been fished out while a search was going on for the remaining two. The bodies of Anisha Begum (10), Tasmiya (22), and Mehatab (10) were retrieved from the canal while the bodies of Ashrak (28), and Afika (22) are yet to be fished out. The family members of the deceased are in a state of shock.
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The deceased were residents of Nilasandra, Bengaluru, and had come to Hellegere their grandmother's home for summer vacation. On Tuesday, they had gone out to swim in the Vishweswaraiah canal near Dodda Kottagere. The two children ventured into the canal for swimming and were washed away by the strong currents. Three other persons, who jumped into the canal to save them, were also drowned.
The personnel from the fire department fished out the three bodies, while a search is on for the remaining two. A large crowd had assembled at the spot. A case has been registered at Basaralu police station. The atmosphere was gloomy. The relatives were found grieving near the bodies of the children which were taken out of the canal. The kin of the deceased were crying inconsolably.