Bengaluru: After meeting former Karnataka Chief Minister and Congress leader Siddaramaiah on Wednesday, a delegation of the Karnataka State Contractors' Association claimed that Rs 22,000 crore in dues is pending for the last three years. Speaking to the media, the President of the association, D Kempanna, alleged that everyone in the state, including the Chief Minister, was mired in corruption regarding a commission for work.
"All MLAs ask for 10 to 15 percent commission. The whole system is corrupt. All the ministers and MLAs are in the number one position. Everyone including Bommai is corrupt. In some places, there is 100 percent corruption. In some places, they have eaten up 100 percent without working at all.
There are situations where officials do not listen to the Chief Minister. We will provide a record after the investigation, but let there be a judicial investigation first. We will write to the Prime Minister again in 15 days," Kempanna said. Regarding the meeting with Siddaramaiah, he stated that the committee had not divulged any important details.