Bengaluru (Karnataka): The Karnataka government has transferred two senior IPS officers, D Roopa and Hemant Nimbalkar, who were engaged in a public spar amid controversy over the tender process of the multi-crore ‘Safe City Project’. D Roopa has now been posted as the managing director of Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation.
After the transfer, D Roopa on Thursday took to Twitter and said that the transfer will put her on an equal footing with Nimbalkar, but the post doesn’t matter to her. I have been transferred more than double the times than the number of years of my career. Whistleblowing and firm action are rife with risks and I know that. I continue to do my job uncompromisingly, this post doesn't matter, she tweeted.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, Roopa said while whistleblowing can be demoralizing sometimes when others don’t speak up, it has become a part of her personality now. "I have taken the charge of Handicrafts Development Corporation and already gathered information about the organization from the officials and staff. Most People think as transferring a police officer to a craft corporation may be a punishment, but for me, It's not a punishment, it is an opportunity to do something for it.
I am basically from Karnataka, I was born and brought up here, seeing the handicraft arts around us. I am feeling very proud of our Karnataka's handicraft arts, and also I am glad to meet the artisans and to know about their artworks. According to the sources, this corporation is currently in loss, but we can try to lift it by doing the good work," Roopa said.