Bengaluru: In a shocking incident, a senior citizen has been allegedly beaten to death with a bat and another person was seriously injured after a petty argument over pet dogs at Ganapatinagar area of Soladevanahalli in Karnataka capital Bengaluru, officials said. Police have arrested three accused in the case while further investigation into the case is going on.
The deceased has been identified as 67-year-old Muniraju, a resident of Ganapatinagar in Soladevanahalli. A police official said that the incident took place on Saturday. It is learnt that Muniraju, a native of Yalahanka, had been living in Ganapati Nagar with his wife and children for the past three years. He worked as a mechanic in a private company.
In Muniraju's neighbourhood, one Ravikumar and his wife lived in a rented house and kept dogs as pets. It is alleged that along with his friend Pramod, Ravi often took the dogs in front of Muniraju's house to defecate. On Saturday, Muniraju had a quarel with Ravi and his friend Pramod accusing them of smoking cigarettes near his house.