Mangaluru: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday said it has attached property woth Rs 8.3 crore belonging to a person named Iqbal Ahmed for acquiring immovable property in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in violation of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).
"Based on the information received by the ED that Ahmed, a resident of Mangaluru, who's the Managing Director of Iqbal Ahmed Infra Projects Pvt Ltd and Sharief Marine Products Pvt Ltd, had acquired immovable property outside India by violating the provisions of FEMA, said an ED official.
The official said during the course of investigation, it was found that Ahmed had acquired immovable property in the UAE worth Rs 8.3 crore. This was in clear violation of Section 4 of FEMA. "We took up the matter for detailed investigation and action was taken based on the investigation's outcome," the official added.