Bellary, Karnataka:Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai reacted to former Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's statement of comparing him to a 'puppy'. Bommai said that it showed the culture and mindset of the Congress leader. Speaking to the media, CM said, "Such statements reflect the personality of the Congress leader. He will get a befitting reply from the people of the state in the upcoming assembly elections." Slamming Siddaramaiah, Bommai said," Dog is a faithful animal and just like a dog, my loyalties lie with the people of the state. I am doing my job faithfully that is why the people of the state stand with our government. I am not dividing people. Our government has made people happy." Siddaramaiah criticised the BJP government and said, “Bommai came to power through ‘Operation Lotus’ in Karnataka. If you have courage, then get Rs 5,495 crore from the Centre, which was recommended by the 15th Finance Commission."
Also read:CM Bommai thanks PM Modi for approving Kalasa-Banduri project