Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister, B. S. Yediyurappa on Tuesday said that the Chikkamagaluru police has got hold of 'suicide note' left behind by the Karnataka Legislative Council deputy chairman, S. L. Dharme Gowda.
Yediyurappa told reporters here that the district administration (Chikkamagaluru) has recovered a lengthy death note left by Gowda. "The entire death note is also like a will, as it contains several details about his property and other important personal details, therefore, we are not revealing the contents of it at this juncture," he explained.
He added that the contents of the death note will be released once the police complete their investigations.
Meanwhile, Home minister Basavaraj Bommai confirmed that the district police have recovered the death note from the crime scene.
"He has mentioned several sensitive matters in his lengthy note, which the police want to probe in detail. Only then the real scenario that led to such an extreme stem can be revealed," he said.