Tumakuru (Karnataka): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday took a swipe at Congress leaders, who allegedly tried to mislead employees of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited a few years ago when the Indian Army was deployed on the border, and said they are not even talking about the public sector company now.
He also claimed that the defence sector was like "a club for the Congress which their close relatives could plunder". In an apparent reference to former Congress president Rahul Gandhi's allegations of irregularities in the Rafale deal and taking away jobs from HAL, Modi said: "Remember the lies they had spread four-five years ago. They tried to mislead the HAL workers. It was done at a time when our Army was deployed on the border. In this election, the Congress leaders are not at all spelling out the name of HAL."
According to him, the reason behind the Congress' silence on HAL was that this was for the first time since its inception, the HAL made a record profit. The Prime Minister said "earlier due to theft, no profit was happening" but after he came to power, the state-run entity started registering profits.