Bengaluru: Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh at Defence Ministers' conclave at Aero India addressing the media on Tuesday said that collective security has become sine-qua non for our development, and prosperity. Terrorism, illegal arms trade and drug smuggling pose a significant security threat to the whole world. To counter security threats, there is a need to devise new strategies for our current reality.
Collective security has become sine-qua non to counter security threats, says Rajnath
Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh at Defence Ministers' conclave at Aero India collective security has become sine-qua non for our development, and prosperity.
Rajnath Singh also said, "India sees all nations as equal partners and we don't believe in imposing external solutions to a country's internal problems. India doesn't believe in giving sermons or cut-and-dried solutions that don't respect the national values of countries needing aid." India does not believe in dealing with security challenges in old paternalistic or neo-colonial paradigms. We wish to create symbiotic relationships where we can learn from each other. When we export defence equipment to friendly nations, we offer our full support towards capability development, added Singh. (PTI)
Aero India