Bengaluru:The 8th Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) Court has granted bail to five persons including the President of Karnataka State Contractors Association, D. Kempanna, who were arrested in a defamation case. After the case was filed by Minister Muniratna, contractor D. Kempanna, who triggered a controversy surrounding the 40 percent commissions allegedly collected by those in the government, was arrested on Saturday.
Contractor Kempanna given bail in '40% commission' defamation case
A Bengaluru court has granted bail to five persons in defamation case. They were arrested after a complaint lodged by Karnataka Minister Muniratna on Saturday in the controversy surrounding allegations of 40 percent commissions collected by those in the government.
After the arrest, the police took him to the residence of judge in Koramangala and produced him. The judge has granted bail to all the five arrested as it is not a serious crime case. He has been instructed to appear in court on Monday.
After a half-hour long argument, the judge ordered conditional bail. He suggested that surety and personal bond should be given. It is known that Kempanna and others were released from jail on Saturday midnight as per the order.