Bengaluru: Former Karnataka Chief Minister and senior BJP leader DV Sadanand Gowda, who on Wednesday announced retirement from electoral politics has said that the decision to retire from electoral politics was his own decision and nobody has pressured him for the same. The former union minister while addressing a press conference at his residence in Sanjay Nagar also refuted rumours that he had quit politics due to fear of being denied a ticket in the Lok Sabha elections 2024 from Bengaluru North constituency.
Gowda said that the decision was not taken due to the fear of losing the ticket and clarified that he decided to quit electoral politics after discussing with his family. Gowda further said that he did not intend to bring his children into electoral politics. “I have no desire to be involved in politics, nor do I want my children to be involved. Family politics is wrong. We have worked to curb corruption by bringing in timely laws,” the former Karnataka chief minister said.