Bengaluru: President Ram Nath Kovind on Saturday said at a conclave here that debate, discussion and scientific temper shatter the conditions clouding truth.
"The conditions that cloud the truth's positions are effectively dispelled by a contestation of ideas through debate, discussion and scientific temper. Prejudices and violence vitiate the search for truth," said Kovind at a 'The Huddle', a thought conclave organized by the daily The Hindu.
According to Kovind, dogmas and personal prejudices distort the truth.
In the 150th year of Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary, the President asked if it would not be proper to pursue truth itself as an ideology.
"Gandhiji has shown us the path by walking ceaselessly in search of truth which would ultimately encompass every positive attribute that enriches the universe," he said.
Kovind noted that of late attempts are being made to give various shades to truth and define its stages as if some final truth exists beyond provisional truths.