Bengaluru: The Revenue Department of Karnataka had launched an innovative program called 'Halli Kadege DC Nade' (DC's steps towards villages) in February 2021 during BS Yediyurappa's stint as the state's chief minister. The program encouraged all district commissioners of the state to go into the villages under their care and solve the problems faced by the people on the spot.
As per the program, district commissioners, along with the district officials, have to visit a village panchayat every third Saturday of the month. They then have to listen to people's appeals and settle issues related to pension, land clearance, voter list revision, drought/flood relief, BPL card distribution etc. The program got a good response across the state in the months of February and March. Opposition party MLAs also praised the program and urged the govt to continue the program.
But the program was discontinued due to the Covid second wave. Even after months of unlocking in most districts, the program has not yet been resumed by the Revenue dept. Now that Covid cases across the state are decreasing, the government has been urged to resume the program.
How many cases settled?