Bengaluru: Karnataka has suspended the arrival of flights, trains and vehicles from five states including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, MP and Rajasthan into the state to contain the spread of COVID-19.
COVID-19: Karnataka suspends arrival of flights, trains & vehicles for 5 states
18:11 May 28
COVID-19: Karnataka suspends arrival of flights, trains & vehicles for 5 states
State Law Minister Madhu Swamy on Thursday said that a spike is observed in COVID-19 cases after the resumption of domestic air travel on May 25.
"We are mainly restricting the air traffic from Maharashtra as 30-40 per cent of the people who have arrived from the state have tested positive. Second would be Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. Besides them, we are restricting traffic coming in from Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan as well. The incoming traffic coming in Bengaluru is huge and more than we anticipated," said Swamy.
With 75 more COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, the total count of confirmed cases in the state stands at 2,493.
ANI Report