Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa on Thursday held a video conference with the deputy commissioners of eight districts and expressed concern over COVID-19 cases not decreasing as expected. Pointing out the poor show in containing the pandemic in Belagavi, Chikkamagaluru, Dakshina Kannada, Hassan, Mysuru, Mandya, Shivamogga and Tumakuru districts, Yediyurappa asked the officials to continue the lockdown restrictions.
With just four days left to ease the curbs, which are in effect since April 27, he told them that a decision regarding these districts will soon be taken. 'The cases have come down due to the stringent measures adopted by the state government during lockdown but they are not decreasing in these eight districts as expected.
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The chief minister expressed his anxiety over the increase in cases in rural areas,' a statement issued by the Chief Minister's Office said. Of the total cases in the State, 65,000 active cases come from these eight districts and the rate of decrease in the cases are least in these districts, the statement read.