Bengaluru: Though Karnataka has been witnessing a spike in coronavirus cases in the last one week, a team of officials from the Union Health Ministry that visited the state on Tuesday to review the ongoing pandemic situation, is still appreciative of its efforts to contain the spread of diseases especially contract tracing method and measure related to the creation of a database of co-morbid and vulnerable people.
"The central team appreciated the measures taken by the state government to contain the virus since March 9. Tracking contacts and creation of a database of co-morbid and vulnerable people were also lauded," the official said.
The central team, comprising Additional Secretary Aarti Ahuja and Emergency Medical Response Centre Director P. Raveendran advised the Karnataka government to save coronavirus victims by providing them the best treatment at the earliest.
"The central team told the state government to give priority to save Covid-19 patients' lives with the best treatment in time," said an official.
The team met Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa, Health Minister B. Sriramulu, Medical Education Minister K. Sudhakar, Chief Secretary T.M. Vijaya Bhaskar and other senior officials and directed them to enforce strict lockdown guidelines in containment zones to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection