Mangaluru (Karnataka): A couple that suspected that they were Covid positive committed suicide at a Raheja apartment in Chitrapur, Suratkal city after calling the Police Commissioner. The deceased have been identified as Ramesh Kumar and his wife, Guna. Unfortunately, their Covid report came negative later in the day. Ramesh Kumar called Mangalore city Police Commissioner Shashikumar around 6 AM and said, "We are both infected by Covid-19. My wife has already committed suicide. Now I will commit suicide. Make our Funeral" he said and disconnected the call.
The police commissioner immediately called back but his call remained unanswered. The Police Commissioner later provided this information on the social network to save Ramesh Kumar's life and sought the help of the police department. Eventually, the police managed to locate the residence but till that time, the couple was dead. They also recovered a suicide note written by the wife. "I have Black Fungus symptoms. This will cause a problem in future also. Even my husband has also Covid-19 symptoms. Thus I have decided to die", she wrote in that note.
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