Bengaluru: Narcotics Control Bureau in Bengaluru arrested four members of drug syndicate following detailed analysis after a parcel destined to India from the Netherlands, containing 750 MDMA tablets, was seized in July.
According to an official statement by Deputy Director of NCB, KPS Malhotra, "On September 24, the detailed investigation in the case with the help of digital analysis led NCB team to the arrest of all the syndicate members including the consignee K. Pramodh, mastermind Fahim and their associates A Hashir and SS Shetty."
Mastermind Fahim learnt the concept of purchasing drugs online (darknet) through a web series. He started purchasing bitcoins and through bitcoins ordered drugs from the darknet. Fahim used to deliver consignment at various addresses in India and thereafter collect from there, Malhotra said.