New Delhi: Congress leader Manickam Tagore Thursday took a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and accused him of breaching parliamentary privilege for attributing the "Karnataka sovereignty" remark to Sonia Gandhi and urged Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to send the matter to the privileges committee of Parliament.
The Congress leader, in a letter addressed to the Speaker, claimed that the Prime Minister has disseminated "sensitive false information" among the public. Tagore also alleged that Prime Minister Modi indulged in an act of breach of Parliamentary Privileges under Rule 222 of the Lok Sabha Rule of Procedures during his election campaign in Karnataka.
"The prime minister as the representative of the BJP party in the Karnataka election has raised false accusations against the Congress against their commitment to protecting the unity and sovereignty of the state of Karnataka if wins the election. The remarks of the prime minister misrepresent the statement of Sonia Gandhi, chairperson of the Congress Party, that the meaning of protecting sovereignty as meant by the Congress is the plan to separate the State from India," he said in his letter to Birla.
The Virudhunagar MP said that such a "vehement statement from the prime minister is highly obnoxious which would be a wrong precedence for the people who acquire high positions in this country either now or in the future. In precise the prime minister has informed that 'Congress indicates that Congress considers Karnataka separate from India'".