Hubballi (Karnataka): Karnataka Congress President DK Shivakumar on Monday said the party's high command will decide, who the Chief Minister will be in the event of the party coming to power in the ensuing Assembly elections, which are likely in April or May. Conveying good wishes to the people of the state and all political parties for the New Year, he, however, wished that Congress comes to power.
"I wish good for the media and people of the state for the New Year, I also wish good for all parties, but we (Congress) should get the power," Shivakumar said. Speaking to reporters here, in response to a question, he said, "It is not that I should become the Chief Minister, it will be decided by the high command. Mallikarjun Kharge (AICC President), Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi (former AICC President) will decide."
With Congress Legislature Party leader Siddaramaiah, too, along with Shivakumar nursing chief ministerial ambitions in the event of the party coming to power in the state, there seems to be a game of political one-upmanship, between the two leaders as the election nears. The Congress appears to be a divided house, with supporters of both Siddaramaiah and Shivakumar often openly projecting their leaders as the next Chief Minister.
Calling the BJP "university of lies" on the Mahadayi river water issue, Shivakumar said, "For three-and-a-half years they (BJP) couldn't do anything, despite their government in Maharashtra...they have taken most of our MLAs through 'Operation Lotus' in Goa and are in power there, too, as they did here in Karnataka."