Bengaluru (Karnataka): The Congress in Karnataka on Monday said it would request the Supreme Court, that has agreed to hear the pleas of 17 disqualified MLAs, to uphold the Speakers decision to disqualify them.
A three-judge bench, headed by Justice N V Ramana, has said it would hear on September 25 petitions in which the disqualified MLAs have sought interim relief to contest the by-elections.
"As we have put a caveat in this case, we are told that we will be issued notice. Our lawyers will put forward their argument on Thursday in the Supreme Court.
Our lawyers will request the court to uphold the decision of the Speaker and those who have violated the anti-defection law should be punished," KPCC president Dinesh Gundu Rao said.
"Ramesh Kumar, the Speaker has upheld the basic purpose of anti-defection law....," he told reporters here.
In response to a question about the statement of the Election Commissions counsel in court that Speakers order cannot deprive the MLAs of contesting the polls, Rao said the EC has nothing to do with the disqualification issue.