New Delhi: The Congress has alleged that Karnataka chief minister B.S. Yediyurappa and his close aides are involved in corruption and posts are being sold for money. Addressing a press conference in Delhi on Sunday, Dinesh Gundu Rao, (in-charge of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Goa) and Gourav Vallabh, Spokesperson, AICC, said, "while India is fighting against COVID-19, Karnataka CM is 'fighting for Corruption', 'Environmental Corruption' in Karnataka. Rs 16 crore deal for Chairmanship of Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB)"
Gundu Rao alleged that the undue interference in day-to-day administration by his younger son B.Y. Vijayendra and other close relatives has been alleged in many cases. The latest allegation in this series is by a qualified senior engineer, who has suffered at the hands of relatives of CM B.S. Yediyurappa, trying to fulfil their insatiable demand for huge sums of money just to secure and remain in a prestigious public office.