Bengaluru: As ten more cases of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus have been detected in Karnataka, on Monday, taking the state's Omicron tally to 76 thus the state cabinet is likely to decide on more containment measures to control the spread of the virus on Thursday after consulting experts on Tuesday evening.
"We are monitoring both COVID and Omicron situation, it is spreading at a very fast phase in the country, in the state, and in neighboring states, so we need to have a discussion with experts. In this regard I will have a discussion with experts tomorrow evening," Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said.
The government has already imposed containment measures like night curfew from 10 PM to 5 AM, from December 28 till January 7 morning, to control the spread of the virus.
"Having the experience of managing the earlier two waves, we have already asked the experts to recommend containment measures, with limited impact on daily lives of the people," he further said, calling on the citizens to show self-control by following the COVID guidelines.
Earlier, the technical advisory committee members have pointed out two key factors- a lockdown would be inevitable when a state's weekly positivity rate of 5 percent gets passed and lockdown when 40 percent of the state's total ICU and oxygen beds get exhausted.