Hubballi: Shocking facts were revealed in the police investigation into the missing case of a businessman's son in Hubballi of Karnataka. Family members filed the police complaint after Akhil Jain (30), son of Hubballi's prominent businessman Bharat Jain, has gone missing a few days ago. Now, the investigating officials have got clues to suspect the role of Akhil's father in the missing case.
The family Akhil had lodged a complaint with the Keshwapur police. The police who gathered information about Akhil came to know many surprising facts about his behaviour. During the investigation, the police came to know that Akhil was addicted to bad habits. So his family was disgusted with him.
The officials investigating further into the case. After checking the phone calls of all the family members including Akhil, the police got more shocking information. It became known that Akhil's father Bharat was in touch with some notorious rowdies. It is learned that the rowdies who were in contact with Bharat before Akhil's missing are notorious supari killers.