Bengaluru:British High Commissioner to India, Alex Ellis in his two-day visit to Karnataka won the hearts of Kannadigas by not only tweeting in Kannada, but also initiating poll on Twitter in relation to his experience with popular South Indian delicacy - dosa, on Thursday. His two-day visit to Karnataka, saw him tweeting in Kannada using superlative slang words like Sakattagide, Bomabat Guru, which are most common slang words used among Bangaloreans to state - Simply Superb.
While posting him eating Dosa stating - Sakattagide (Simply Superb) in Kannada on August 4 when he began his tour in Karnataka. On Thursday, he posted a series of tweets in English but he ensured that at least a word or two from the Kannada language were used to convey the message.
For instance, in one of his tweet tagged to Chief Minister, Basavaraj Bommai, Namasakara Mukhyamatri Avare (Salutations to the CM), and continues with message in English, while after his visit was over, in follow up tweet he promptly said Dhanyavadgalu Mukhya Mantriyavare (Thanks Mr CM for your time).
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