Bengaluru :Karnataka Police have submitted a 770-page charge sheet to the court in connection with the Bengaluru acid attack case that took place three months ago, police said on Tuesday. The victim, a 23-year-old working woman, was still undergoing multiple surgeries at the hospital. The incident took place on April 28. The attacker Nagesh, who was waiting in an auto near the workplace of the woman in Bengaluru's Sunkadakatte, had chased and poured acid on her.
The girl sustained 35 per cent burn injuries. The police said that the accused studied in the same school with the victim in SSLC (Class 10). He turned into a spurned lover and after outright rejection from the woman, he had attacked her. The police have named 92 witnesses in the charge sheet submitted to the 13th Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) court. The investigators have also submitted statements of two eyewitnesses taken under IPC Section 164.After carrying out the attack, accused Nagesh had called his brother and explained about his action.