Bengaluru (Karnataka):In yet another tragedy that occurred in the underpass of the city, a bike rider was killed when he lost control of his vehicle, police said. The incident took place on Monday night at around 8 PM at the Kachohalli underpass of Nice Road under Kamakshipalya traffic station when the deceased identified as Fakhruddin was going towards Ramanagara.
Hailing from Ramanagara, Fakhruddin was working in a factory in Nelamangala. It was raining heavily and when Fakhruddin was traveling through Kachohalli underpass, he lost control of the vehicle and fell down. There were serious injuries on his head. Locals immediately rushed him to a nearby hospital, but he was declared brought dead. A case has been registered at Kamakshipalya traffic station in this connection.
Recently, a 22-year-old woman drowned after a car she was traveling in with her family got stuck in neck-deep water at KR Circle underpass, just a stone's throw away distance from Vidhan Soudha, the seat of power in Karnataka. The incident had caused a stir. It is estimated that over 18 similar underbridges have become a problem for motorists, especially the Sivananda railway under-bridge.
Meanwhile, in a statement, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has said that 52 people have died across the state due to pre-monsoon rains and 331 cattle lost their life. He also said that about 20,000 hectares of crops and 814 houses were damaged. According to the CM, immediate compensation has been given to those who suffered the loss of life and house.
Also read:Techie from AP drowns after car gets stuck in neck-deep water in Bengaluru's underpass