Bengaluru (Karnataka): Social activist Dinesh Kallahalli, who filed a complaint on behalf of the victim against former minister Ramesh Jarkiholi in the CD case, decided to take back the complaint. Dinesh Patil, an advocate for Kallahalli, arrived at Cubbon Park police station and gave a five-page long plea to the Police Inspector to withdraw his complaint.
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What's there in the Appeal letter?
"I had handed over the CD with a complaint letter. But the victim was insulted a lot on the social network. As I complained, the video was streamed on social media. Some caste organizations have given different interpretations and have not helped the woman. I had demanded the arrest of blackmailers and dealers as per the statement of the former chief minister. I welcome it.
"A stranger had given the CD to me and requested me to provide justice to the woman. I went to the commissioner's office and complained, without disclosing the contents of the CD anywhere. I have requested an inquiry into sexual abuse and nothing more. Who gave the CD in a case that was investigated? Discussions began as to where the CD came from. There had to be a debate on the abuse of power. But It is unfortunate that the entire case is focused on the informant."
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Without thoroughly reviewing the information on the CD, Without a police statement, many tried to give judgement. The purpose of my complaint was turned on me and the victim." In the letter, Kallahalli said that he had decided to withdraw the complaint in return for social goodwill.