Bengaluru (Karnataka):Benguluru's tough cop has sprang another surprise. The city's South East Division DCP, C K Baba, who is in the news for his strict measures and innovative efforts in the police department, has come up with another new endeavour. Henceforth the police personnel of South East division cannot ignore the calls coming to their mobile phones.
Also, the cell phone users cannot put their photo on their WhatsApp display picture. If the call is not received, the staff will face problem. What is the connection between WhatsApp DP and not receiving phone calls? Read on to find out. All the policemen of South East division are asked to compulsorily put the QR code Lokspandana in their WhatsApp DP.
This Lokaspandana system is prepared to get information about the performance of the police personnel of their division. Whether the public can express any appreciation or objection about the police, it can be done through the system of Lokaspandana.
What should the public do?: 'If the police is not accepting the public's phone call, the public should scan the QR code on the officer's WhatsApp DP. Later the message system will be available. If you send a message that your officer is not receiving a phone call there, that message will directly reach DCP C K Baba's mobile phone.
Due to this, which officer is not responding appropriately to the public can be easily detected and action can be taken against them. Through this QR code, the police will be able to become more people-friendly, said South East Division DCP C K Baba. And this new system is implemented with immediate effect. It remains to be seen how effective this new scheme will be.