Bengaluru:A Special Investigation Team (SIT) headed by Additional Director General of Police, Soumendhu Mukherjee, has detained at least five people in connection with the contentious sleaze CD that accused BJP leader Ramesh Jarakiholi of sexually exploiting a woman on the pretext of offering her a job.
According to reports, the team detained the person who handed over the alleged sex-CD to social activist - Dinesh Kallahalli and two others from Vijayanagar and Chikmagalur areas.
Read: Also Read: MLA claims there's a CD on BS Yediyurappa
According to the investigating team, the man who was detained today was in constant touch with the woman seen in the compromising position with the BJP leader. It also said that the detainee had switched off the mobile when the media covered the news. They were in contact with each other using different SIM cards, added the investigating team.