Bengaluru: The Bengaluru police on Saturday arrested a notorious rowdy-sheeter Syed Hanif after a brief shootout in which he was hit on the knee after he had attacked two policemen. He was on the run after throwing boiling edible oil on a woman vendor.
The arrest was reported a day after Bengaluru Police Commissioner Kamal Panth announced that there would be 'zero tolerance' for rowdyism.
Hanif (22) was travelling on a bike when Sampigehalli police signalled him to stop on the Bengaluru main road in the wee hours. He tried to escape, but police chased him and caught up with him. The rowdy slashed a Constable's arm with a dagger during the scuffle.
Read:|Rowdy history-sheeter and his accomplice hacked to death in Hyderabad
Inspector Mallikarjunaiah fired in the air to warn Hanif but he stabbed another Constable, following which Mallikarjunaiah shot him in his left knee to immobilise him.