Bengaluru (Karnataka) : The Bengaluru Police arrested another man in connection with the terror suspects case. The RT Nagar Police in Bengaluru have arrested the man linked to the terror suspects case being investigated by the Crime Branch. A few weeks ago, 5 men were arrested for suspected terror activities; guns and grenades were recovered from their possession. Further details are awaited.
In the latest incident, Mohammed Arshad Khan, who had been absconding from the police for four years, was arrested. In 2017, Mohammad Arshad Khan was a minor who was accused in the kidnapping and murder case of Noor Ahmed. After that, Arshad Khan became notorious by being involved in more than 17 criminal cases including murder, attempted murder and robbery.
Many times, when the police came to arrest him, he used to threaten to commit suicide by cutting his throat. But at 5 am on August 27, the police received information about Arshad Khan's presence in a house in RT Nagar and checked the CCTV footage around the house.
After confirming that the accused was in the house, the police directly broke the door and entered the house. At this time, Arshad Khan, who had taken a knife from the house, tried to cut his throat. He also tried to jump down from the second floor. But the police said that the accused was arrested without allowing anything.