Bengaluru: Subramanyapur police have arrested four persons from Andhra Pradesh who were trying to circulate fake currency notes in Bengaluru and also seized fake notes worth Rs 11 lakh from the arrested, the police said on Wednesday.
The arrested accused are identified as Charan Singh, Rajini, Pullalarevu Raja and Gopinath from the Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh. Rs. 11 lakh in denomination of Rs 500 notes and equipment for printing fake notes were seized from the arrested.
"On January 19, the police received a tip about the circulation of fake notes near Purnaprajna Layout, Uttarahalli, Bengaluru. The police conducted an operation and seized 818 notes of Rs. 500 in fake currency worth Rs. 4 lakhs and arrested two people. Accused Charan Singh and Rajini were distributing fake notes in a Bolero Jeep near Sadhana College of Purnaprajna Layout," Sandeep Patil, Additional Commissioner of Police, City West Division.