Bengaluru:Notorious burglar Karthik Kumar alias Escape Karthik, who is said to have committed more than 100 burglaries was arrested by the Govindaraja Nagar police. He earned the nickname of 'Escape Karthik' after managing to escape twice from police custody in 2008 and 2010.
According to an officer of Govindaraja Nagar police station, Karthik is involved in more than 100 theft cases that were reported from Kamakshipalya, Hennur and Kottanur as well as in Mysore and Hasan districts. "Karthik first stole ornaments from a house in 2005 when he was only 16 years old. He used to be arrested and after coming out on bail, he would again commit burglary. He would mortage the stolen goods and spend the money on maintaining a lavish lifestyle and playing in casinos," police said.
Also Read:Notorious burglar 'Escape Karthik' arrested for 17th time in Bengaluru