Bengaluru:The Bengaluru police nabbed three accused, who thrashed a 73-year-old man to death on Sunday, and they accused the deceased of raping a girl in an intoxicated condition. DCP East Division Bheemashankar Guled said on Monday that the deceased was identified as Kuppanna, a native of Tamil Nadu. "Kuppanna is said to have spoken to the 16-year-old neighbour. Kuppanna then gave her an intoxicating drink and took the victim to his home when she was semi-conscious," the officer said.
73-year-old man thrashed to death on rape suspicion in Bengaluru
DCP East Division Bhima Shankar Guled said on Monday that the deceased was identified as Kuppanna, a native of Tamil Nadu.
Bengaluru: 73-year-old man thrashed to death under rape suspicion
Also read:Court sentences three men to 20 years rigorous imprisonment in rape case
Guled further said that the parents of the victim found the victim at the accused's house when they began to look for her. The victim narrated the incident to her family and three members of the family thrashed the elderly man to death. The Hennur police lodged two separate cases under POCSO Act and for murder. The police commenced a probe into the incident, Guled added.
Last Updated : Dec 12, 2022, 7:17 PM IST