Belagavi (Karnataka) : The police felicitated three people for providing information in the woman stripping case in Karnataka's Belagavi. After the incident, the villagers immediately informed the police and helped in taking action against the accused. The villagers were honored by the Police Commissionerate.
Belagavi City Police Commissioner S N Siddaramappa felicitated the residents of the village, who were identified as Jahangir Tehsildar, Waseem Makanadar and Village Panchayat President Siddappa Holikar. They were honoured with a cash prize of Rs 5,000 each. Meanwhile, Jahangir was felicitated with a commendation letter given by the High Court. Kakati police station PSI Manjunath Hulakunda and six staff members were also honoured in this case.
On this occasion, Police Commissioner S N Siddaramappa said, "Three people of the village have been honored. They have also been honored with a letter of commendation from the court. We have honored six people, including Kakati station PSI. Five thousand rupees were awarded to the PSI and four thousand rupees to the remaining five personnel."