Mysore:Karnataka minister KS Eshwarappa said on Tuesday that he did not know Santhosh K Patil, the Belagavi contractor who died by suicide. Santhosh had recently written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, alleging that Minister Eshwarappa and his associates were harassing him to give 40 per cent commission to clear bills for the civil work that he carried out on the Minister’s instructions.
In his suicide note, Santhosh has claimed that minister Eshwarappa "is the reason for my death" and that the minister should be "punished". However, hours after his death, when Eshwarappa was asked about it, he said "I don't know who he is". He added that he played no role whatsoever in the case concerning the contractor's suicide. The minister also said that he won't resign though the opposition has demanded so.
A rift broke out between Eshwarappa and Santosh Patil after the latter who completed the work at the Hindalaga village at a cost of Rs 4 Crores, was asked to pay 40 per cent commission by the former in order to get the bills cleared. It was in this context that Patil had complained to PM Modi about Eshwarappa. This led to the Minister filing a defamation suit against the contractor.