Bengaluru: Taking strict action against the violation of the Assembly Election Code in Karnataka, the Election Commission (EC) has so far confiscated cash, liquor and other items worth Rs 39.38 crore. EC officials on Saturday informed that 2,040 flying squads, 2,605 stationary reconnaissance teams are working round the clock to ensure a fair, transparent polling process.
Ever since the date for the election was announced by the EC, 29,828 graffitis, 37,955 posters, 14,413 banners and 16,290 other stationary materials were removed from private properties. In addition to this, 28,740 graffitis, 69,245 posters, 45,081 banners and 23,611 other such advertisements were removed from public properties. According to poll officials, 73 cases have also been registered in this regard.
Also read:Karnataka Elections 2023: Voting on May 10, Counting on May 13 - 10 points
Apart from this, the Karnataka Police department, including the flying squads seized a total of Rs 7.07 crore in cash, Rs 5.80 lakh worth of liquor, Rs 21.76 lakh worth of drugs, Rs 9.58 crore worth of other freebies from the poll-bound state. A total of 172 FIRs have been registered, officials said. According to poll officials, the Income Tax department has seized a total of Rs 3.90 crore in cash.
Around 264 cases of serious violation of license conditions, 195 cases of violation of license conditions, 14 cases under NDPS (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act) and 737 under the Excise Act have also been registered. In addition to this, 150 different types of vehicles and 19,255 weapons were seized across the state. Around 1,091 cases were registered under the Code of Criminal Procedure and 2,710 non-bailable warrants were issued, the EC officials stated.
The 224-member Karnataka assembly will go to polls on May 10, the results of which will be declared on May 13.