Bengaluru:All the students who appeared for the Class 10 examination conducted by the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board passed, Primary and Secondary Education Minister B C Nagesh said on Monday. As many as 8,71,443 students took the exam and all of them passed except for a girl who indulged in impersonation, sending another girl to write exam on her behalf, was debarred, the minister said.
The pass percentage this year is 99.99 per cent compared to 71.80 last year, he added. The exams conducted under the shadow of COVID-19 on July 19 and 22 were held on the 'OMR sheet' unlike the traditional way of writing exams on the answer sheets. The first paper on July 19 was a combination of core subjects Maths, sciences and social studies -- in three hours while the second paper on July 22 pertained to languages such as Kannada, English or Sanskrit. Nagesh told reporters that 157 students scored 625 out of 625, while 289 students got 623, and two students scored 622.
A total of 157 students have obtained full marks or 625 out of 625. Last year, only six students could attain full marks. Last year only six students had scored 625 out of 625, while 11 got 624 and 43 got 623, the minister explained.
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