Dakshina Kannada (Karnataka) : A gang of miscreants allegedly hacked a Muslim youth to death in Karnataka's Mangaluru district, hours after the state Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai's visited the family of slain BJP activist Praveen Kumar Nettaru, police said. The deceased Muslim youth has been identified as Mohammed Fazil, a resident of Mangalpete near Surathkal, located on the outskirts of Mangaluru. The incident took place on Thursday evening.
The police sources suspect the incident to be a revenge killing allegedly by Hindutva activists, however, an official statement is yet to be made regarding the motive behind the murder. Mangaluru Police Commissioner, N. Shashikumar said on Thursday that prohibitory orders are clamped within the limits of four police stations in surrounding areas of Surathkal. The prohibitory orders will be clamped in Surathkal, Mulki, Bajpe and Panambur till Saturday.